黄花菜采用切根分芽繁殖法,可提高繁殖倍数,成活率高,花期早,花蕾多。主要技术如下: 1、挖取母株以春、秋节最为适宜。一般是把种植5年以上的植株或密度过大须间挖的植株,如新建园的可将野生黄花菜植株完整地从土中挖出,抖掉须根及茎部泥土,去掉枯叶,按自然分蘖把短缩茎用手掰成单株。 2、切根分芽对独茎独芽的蘖,从芽的正中直切,一分为二;
Day lily cut root bud propagation method can increase the breeding multiples, high survival rate, early flowering, buds and more. The main techniques are as follows: 1, dig the mother plant to spring, autumn is the most suitable. Generally planted more than 5 years of plants or plants overdone density too large, such as the new garden of wild lily plants can be dug from the soil completely, shaking off the fibrous roots and stems, remove the dead leaves, press Natural tillers to shorten the stem cut into single plant. 2, cut root buds of stems single buds of the tiller, cut straight from the middle of the bud, divided into two;