1994年5月3日,日本刚入阁上任的法务大臣永野公然声称南京大屠杀惨案是“捏造”,日本侵略亚洲国家是“为了解放殖民地,建立(大东亚)共荣圈。”①此谬论一发表,立即遭到亚洲四邻如中、朝、韩、菲、新、马、泰等在二战中被日本侵略过的国家强烈抗议,也遭到了日本国内各界人士的谴责。在亚洲四邻抗议、国内各界谴责声中永野被迫收回讲话,表示“反省谢罪”,入阁仅四天即丢官而去。 这在局外人看来,像是一幕短剧。永野事件虽尘埃落地,但是,联系近年来发生的日本政界要人歪曲历史的一系列事件,我们决不能容忍,要坚决予以痛击。本文现逐一反驳如下:
On May 3, 1994, Japan’s just-appointed Attorney General Nagano publicly claimed that the massacre in Nanjing was a “fabrication” and Japan’s aggression against Asian countries was “a common prosperity circle for the establishment of a (Greater East Asia) nation in order to liberate the colonies.” ① This fallacy As soon as it was published, it was immediately strongly protested by countries such as China, North Korea, the DPRK, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand that had been invaded by Japan in World War II and was condemned by people from all walks of life in Japan. In the neighboring protests in Asia, the public in all circles in the country denounced the voice of Yong Ye and was forced to withdraw his speech. He said that he “refuted and apologized for wantonly” and only went to the government in four days. This seems to outsiders, like a scene drama. Although the events of the Nagano are dusty, we must not tolerate and resolutely crack down on a series of incidents that have distorted history by the Japanese politicians in recent years. This article is to refute the following: