Prophylactic endovascular management of peripheral artery disease in elderly candidates prior to car

来源 :老年心脏病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:catherine00800
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Background and objectives Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is a major risk factor in candidates for cardiac surgery and can impact morbidity and mortality in the perioperative and follow-up period. Elderly patients with PVD may benefit from endovascular treatment prior to cardiac surgery. We sought to assess the common clinical settings requiring prophylactic endovascular treatment before coronary surgery in elderly patients, the results, and the mid-term impact on subsequent revascularization. Methods Between November 2002 and June 2006, 37 patients (25 males, mean age 79.9±8.3 years, mean serum creatinine 1.9±0.6 mg/dl) underwent endovascular repair of PVD before cardiac surgery. For each patient, diagnostic methods, indications for intervention, types of interventions, procedural success, and complications were recorded. Results Four clinical settings were identified: renal artery stenting prior to coronary surgery (7 patients), iliac artery angioplasty and stenting (10 patients) in order to facilitate aortic balloon pump insertion after surgery, subclavian artery angioplasty and stenting prior to utilization of ipsilateral arterial conduits bypass surgery (5patients), and carotid artery stenting before coronary surgery (15 patients). Technical success was achieved in all patients (100%);complications included brachial artery occlusion (1 patient), minor stroke (2 patients), contrast nephropathy (1 patient), and minor bleeding at the puncture site (3 patients). All patients underwent successful coronary or valvular surgery; no patients died in the perioperative period. After a mean follow-up of 26.6±3.1 months, all patients are alive and free from anginal symptoms or valvular dysfunction without clinical or Doppler ultrasonography evidence of restenosis of the implanted peripheral vascular stents. Conclusions It is not unusual for elderly patients who are candidates for cardiac surgery to require endovascular intervention for significant PVD prior to coronary bypass or valvular surgery. The results showed a low complication rate. The cardiologists have a fundamental role,not only in the diagnosis of peripheral vascular stenosis, which was seen frequently in patients with significant CAD, but also in the appropriate endovascular management of these high-risk patients.
目的 监测钻颅引流前后颅内压(ICP)、脑组织氧分压(PbtO2),探讨术前急诊钻颅引流在重型颅脑创伤脑疝患者中应用的临床价值.方法按脑创伤脑疝类型分为单瞳散大组42例,双瞳散大组34例,均在开颅前行急诊钻颅引流术,并同时在非损伤侧额叶脑组织内先置入ICP、PbtO2探头,连续监测并记录钻颅引流前后的ICP、PbtO2.结果钻颅引流能降低ICP,提高PbtO2,两组与术前比较差异均有非常显著意义(
目的 探索颞浅筋膜瓣在除皱术中充填颞部凹陷的效果,并进行初步评价.方法在额眶部骨膜下除皱的同时,根据颞部凹陷的程度切取相应面积的颞浅筋膜瓣翻转后充填颞部凹陷.结果经3~4年随访,该法用于颞部凹陷患者除皱的辅助治疗,不仅能获得满意的远期丰满外形,还使面部轮廓得以改善.结论采用颞浅筋膜瓣在除皱术中Ⅰ期充填颞部凹陷,能够使面部同时达到提紧及轮廓整复的目的,术后效果满意。
目的 探讨心肺复苏后患者血管紧张素Ⅱ(AⅡ)与醛固酮(ALD)分离现象及其临床意义.方法以放射免疫法测定60例心肺复苏后患者(A组)和35例健康成年人(B组)血中皮质醇(COR)、AⅡ和ALD的含量.结果 (1)A组的COR为(471.54±29.78)nmol/L、AⅡ(97.69±13.35)ng/L、ALD(261.03±34.13)pmol/L均分别显著高于B组的(411.52±21.94
目的 探讨中晚期食管癌单纯放疗与放疗+化疗的治疗效果.方法对148例中晚期食管癌患者随机分为两个组(各74例),两组均给以60~65 Gy/6~6.5周的常规放疗,化放组在放疗前1周、放疗第3周及放疗结束后加顺铂(DDP)、替加氟(Tegafur)化疗,于放疗全程加用替加氟口服,共4个周期.结果近期疗效单放组总有效率为81.1%,化放组为905%,两组比较差异无统计学意义(x2=2.719,P=0
患者,男,39岁,因骑摩托车摔伤致左肩疼痛、肿胀5 d伴左上肢麻木、无力4 d于2005年2月24日入院.伤后在当地私人诊所以"8"字绷带固定.给予输液等治疗(具体不详)无效。
Backgroud and Objectives Previous studies have reported that skin fold thickness (SF) strongly correlated with insulin resistance in the metabolic syndrome (Met