时下,网上出现了越来越多的订购业务,如网上订花、网上订水、网上订机票、网上书城等等。这些时髦新鲜的消费方式打破了传统的购物意识,通过网络架起了消费者与商家之间的一座桥梁。而且,今年的“5.17世界电信日”,上海电信在繁华热闹的南京路上举行了以电子商务为主题的大型活动,社会各界人士积极参与其中,亲身体验网络带给我们的便捷与乐趣。 中国东方航空公司(以下简称“东航”)的“网上订机票”也是这次宣传活动中的一项节目,它的“身影”一出现便引起了许多上海市民以及在上海旅游的各地游客的极大兴趣,他们不仅能在Internet上查询到东航各航班实时详细的情况,并且还能在网上直接订票及支付交易。记者有幸采访了东航负责该项目的项目经理李卫良先生,向他询问了有关东航“网上订机票”的情况。
Nowadays, there are more and more ordering services online, such as online booking of flowers, online booking of water, online booking of tickets, online bookstores, and so on. These trendy and fresh consumption patterns break the traditional shopping sense and bridge the gap between consumers and businesses through the Internet. Moreover, this year’s “5.17 World Telecom Day”, Shanghai Telecom held in the bustling Nanjing Road, a large-scale e-commerce events, people from all walks of life are actively involved, experience the network to bring us the convenience and fun. China Eastern Airlines (hereinafter referred to as “China Eastern Airlines”) “online booking air tickets” is also a program in this campaign, its “figure” appeared to have caused many Shanghai residents and tourists in all parts of Shanghai Big interest, they not only can be found on the Internet in real-time details of the China Eastern Airlines flight, and also online booking and payment transactions. The reporter was lucky enough to interview Mr. Li Weiliang, the project manager responsible for the project of China Eastern Airlines and asked him about the case of China Eastern Airlines booking tickets online.