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当前我国流通产业的发展正处在重大转折时期,今后15年的战略目标以及两个根本性转变的目标,都对流通业的发展提出了新的要求。改革开放以来,我国流通产业的发展取得了巨大进步,商品流通业在整个经济发展中的地位和作用发生了根本性的改变,对整个国民经济的影响力明显增强。商品流通的规模迅速扩大。1979年至1995年社会消费品零售总额增长了16.3倍;市场形成价格的机制占据主导地位。目前,除少数关系国计民生的重要商品外,绝大部分商品价格已经放开;流通产业对国民经济发展和产业结构调整的相关作用日趋明显。“八五”期间我国消费品 At present, the development of China’s circulation industry is undergoing a major turning point. The strategic goals of the next 15 years and the two fundamental transformation goals have all placed new demands on the development of the circulation industry. Since the reform and opening up, China’s circulation industry has made tremendous progress in its development. The status and role of the commodity circulation industry in the overall economic development has undergone a fundamental change, and its influence on the entire national economy has increased significantly. The scale of commodity circulation has rapidly expanded. From 1979 to 1995, the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 16.3 times; the mechanism of market price formation dominated. At present, with the exception of a few important commodities that are related to the national economy and people’s livelihood, the vast majority of commodity prices have been liberalized; the related role of the circulation industry in the development of the national economy and the adjustment of the industrial structure has become increasingly apparent. China’s Consumer Goods during the Eighth Five-Year Plan
One day, Tim's math teacher looked at hishomework,Tim had got all his sums right,Theteacher was very pleased and very surprised。
无论什么新技术、新产品、新的网络传输方案,它们的市场争夺战都表明一个真理:“兼容”必胜。在6月14日潮热的新加坡结束的 Asia Telecom’97给了我最深刻的感受。1.8万平方