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为进一步研究Q460C高强度钢柱的滞回性能,在已有试验研究的基础上,采用通用有限元分析软件ANSYS建立了数值模型,对Q460C高强度钢材焊接箱形和H形截面柱在常轴力和水平往复荷载作用下的滞回性能进行模拟,并研究了残余应力对高强度钢试件滞回性能的影响。将有限元分析结果与已有试验结果进行对比,两者吻合较好。研究结果表明:采用提出的Q460C高强度结构钢滞回模型进行有限元分析,能较为准确的预测Q460C高强度钢材焊接H形和箱形柱的滞回性能;试件内残余应力对Q460C高强度钢材焊接H形和箱形截面柱的滞回性能影响较小。 In order to further study the hysteretic behavior of Q460C high strength steel columns, based on the existing experimental studies, a numerical model was established by using the common finite element analysis software ANSYS. The Q460C high strength steel welded box and H- Hysteresis behavior under the force and horizontal reciprocating load was simulated and the effect of residual stress on the hysteretic behavior of HSS specimens was studied. The finite element analysis results are compared with the existing test results, both agree well. The results show that using the proposed Q460C high-strength structural steel hysteresis model for finite element analysis can accurately predict the hysteretic behavior of Q460C high-strength steel welded H-shaped and box-shaped columns; Hysteresis behavior of steel welded H-shaped and box-shaped columns has little effect.
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