In the favorable situation of price drop, the prices of residential and service items rose in the opposite direction. For two consecutive years, this figure surpassed the increase in the general level of consumer prices in the same period and the impact on the general price level increased year by year. Under high inflation In 1994, out of the eight major categories of consumer price index, the price of service items increased by 20.6% and that of dwelling was 20.3%, both of which were after 30.2% of foodstuffs. The impact on the overall price level rise accounted for 9.7% and 5.1% respectively. In 1995, the price increase of service items was much higher than that of foodstuffs, ranking first at 18.9%, followed by food and housing at 9.7%. The impact of service items and living on the general price level accounted for 23.6% and 7.4%, respectively, that is, the impact of the two categories together amounted to 31.0%.