
来源 :水利水电技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunapplesun
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按照一般规定,水轮发电机安装完毕后,轴的绝缘值在注油的情况下,应不低于0.3兆欧。如果在安装过程中对此不重视,也不进行细致周密的检查,这对机组安全运行是有害的,因为安装后往往会产生轴绝缘值过低的现象。为此,下面介绍安装过程中轴绝缘施工中应注意的问题和轴绝缘值过低时进行检查与处理的方法,供各有关施工单位参考。 In accordance with the general provisions, after the installation of hydroelectric generators, shaft insulation value in the case of oil, should not be less than 0.3 megohms. If you do not pay much attention to this in the installation process, and do not carry out detailed and thorough inspection, which is harmful to the safe operation of the unit, because the installation will often have the phenomenon of shaft insulation value is too low. To this end, the following describes the installation process of shaft insulation construction should pay attention to the problem and the shaft insulation value is too low when the inspection and treatment methods for the relevant construction units for reference.
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