
来源 :植物保护学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BLGKLING
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自20世纪90年代以来,江南稻区北部(涉及江苏、浙江、安徽、江西、湖南、湖北六省)不同程度地开展了双季改单季的水稻种植制度的调整,为了阐明水稻种植制度变化对褐飞虱暴发种群形成的影响,2007、2008年在怀宁县和潜山县采用田间调查与卵巢解剖等方法研究了单季中稻、双季晚稻中褐飞虱的种群动态及世代虫源性质。结果表明:安庆地区单季稻大面积种植后,6月中旬至7月下旬迁入的褐飞虱可以直接降落在单季中稻本田,并能连续繁殖,种群增殖倍数可高达数百倍,单季中稻褐飞虱的发生量高于双季晚稻;卵巢解剖确定了单季中稻及双季晚稻中褐飞虱各世代的虫源性质,单季中稻褐飞虱迁出盛期在8月下旬至9月中旬,可以为长江三角洲后期迁入提供虫源,也可以在本地作近距离的扩散迁移,加重对双季晚稻的危害。皖南地区单季稻种植面积的扩大,不但显著增加了本地单季中稻、双季晚稻中褐飞虱的种群数量和危害程度,而且也导致了近年来长江三角洲地区频繁出现褐飞虱的后期迁入。因此,水稻种植制度的变化对褐飞虱暴发种群的形成具有决定性的作用。 Since the 1990s, the rice planting system in the northern part of the southern rice area (involving Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei provinces) has been adjusted to different extents. In order to clarify the changes in the rice planting system, On the population dynamics of brown planthopper outbreak in 2007 and 2008 in Huaining County and Qianshan County, field investigation and ovary dissection were used to study the population dynamics and origin of the brown planthopper (BPNN) in single cropping mid-season and mid-season rice. The results showed that the brown planthopper migrated in mid-June to late July after single-cropping rice was planted in large area in Anqing area could land directly on single-crop mid-season rice plant and propagate continuously. The population multiplication rate could be up to several hundredfold. The occurrence of brown planthoppers in single-season middle-season rice and double-cropped late rice was different from that of late rice in late spring. Migrate to provide the source of insects, but also can be made in the near-distance proliferation and migration, increasing the harm to the double season late rice. The expansion of single-season rice planting area in southern Anhui not only significantly increased the populations and the degree of harm of the brown planthopper in single-season and double-season late rice in the region, but also led to the frequent immigration of BPH in the Yangtze River Delta in recent years. Therefore, the change of rice planting system has a decisive effect on the formation of BPH outbreak population.
摘要:“电路”课程是电气类学生接触到的第一门专业基础课,也是一门理论性强、分析方法多的课程,根据“电路”课程的特点,本文基于创新教育教学的认识,提出教学过程中的一些体会和看法。  关键词:电路;教学方法;教学模式  作者简介:吴帆(1982-),女,江苏盐城人,盐城工学院博雅学院,助教,主要研究方向:电气自动化。(江苏 盐城 224051)    “电路”课程是电气类学生在学习过程中最早接触的一门
目的分析淄博地区的人类白细胞抗原(human leukocyte antigen,HLA)A、B、DRB1位点等位基因频率,明确该地区HLA基因分布特征。方法应用HLA基因分型技术进行HLA基因分型,应用直
综述含金属高聚物及其复合材料的制备方法,并简介这些材料所具有的导电、液晶、非线性光学等特殊性能及其应用前景。 This review summarizes the preparation methods of me