An inverse method for online stress monitoring and fatigue life analysis of boiler drums

来源 :Journal of Chongqing University(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:odeartiger
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A method based on solution of the inverse heat conduction problem was presented for online stress monitoring and fatigue life analysis of boiler drums. The mathematical model of the drum temperature distribution is based on the assumptions that the difference of temperature along the longitudinal axis of the boiler drum is negligible with changes only in the radial direction and the circumferential direction, and that the outer surface of drum is thermally insulated. Combining this model with the control-volume method provides temperatures at different points on a cross-section of the drum. With the temperature data, the stresses and the life expectancy of the boiler drum are derived according to the ASME code. Applying this method to the cold start-up process of a 300 MW boiler demonstrated the absence of errors caused by the boundary condition assumptions on the inner surface of the drum and testified that the method is an applicable technique for the online stress monitoring and fatigue life analysis of boiler drums. A method based on solution of the inverse heat conduction problem was presented for online stress monitoring and fatigue life analysis of boiler drums. The mathematical model of the drum temperature distribution is based on the assumptions that the difference of temperature along the longitudinal axis of the boiler drum is negligible with changes only in the radial direction and the circumferential direction, and that the outer surface of drum is thermally insulated. the temperature data, the stresses and the life expectancy of the boiler drum are derived according to the ASME code. inner surface of the drum and testified that the method is an applicable technique for the online stress monitoring and fat igue life analysis of boiler drums.
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