Practical Fast Computation of Zernike Moments

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ydsl_0
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The fast computation of Zike moments from normalized geometric moments has been developed in this paper. The computation is multiplication free and only additions are needed to generate Zike moments. Geometric moments are generated using Hatamian’s filter up to high orders by a very simple and straightforward computation scheme. Other kinds of moments (e.g., Legendre, pseudo Zike) can be computed using the same algorithm after giving the proper transformations that state their relations to geometric moments. Proper normalizations of geometric moments are necessary so that the method can be used in the efficient computation of Zike moments. To ensure fair comparisons, recursive algorithms are used to generate Zike polynomials and other coefficients. The computational complexity model and test programs show that the speed-up factor of the proposed algorithm is superior with respect to other fast and/or direct computations. It perhaps is the first time that Zike moments can be computed in real time rates, which encourages the use of Zike momentfeatures in different image retrieval systems that support huge databases such as the XM experimental model stated for the MPEG-7 experimental core. It is concluded that choosing direct computation would be impractical.
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