采用大棚栽培方式,不仅可提高春季西瓜的产量,改善西瓜的品质,而且可提高种植西瓜的经济效益。上海市金山区农业科技人员经过多年试验研究,总结出一套适合本地区的春季大棚西瓜地爬栽培技术。应用该技术生产,一般亩产西瓜2 000 kg,亩产值2万元左右,种植经济效益良好。现介绍如下。1品种选择西瓜选用抗病虫、易坐果、外观和内在品质好的品种,如中果型的早佳、京欣、申抗948等,小果型的小皇冠、春光、早春红玉、拿比特等。嫁接栽培选用对
Greenhouse cultivation methods can not only improve the yield of spring watermelon, improve the quality of watermelon, but also improve the economic benefits of planting watermelon. Jinshan District, Shanghai Agricultural Science and Technology personnel after years of experimental study, summed up a set of suitable for the region of spring watermelon to climb climbing cultivation techniques. Application of the technology production, the general per-mu yield of watermelon 2 000 kg, mu production value of 20,000 yuan, planting good economic returns. Now introduced as follows. 1 Selection of varieties Watermelon use anti-pest, easy to sit fruit, appearance and good quality inherent varieties, such as the fruit of the early good, Beijing Xin, Shen anti-948, small fruit small crown, spring, early spring ruby, take Bit and so on. Grafting cultivation selection