香港特首曾荫权先生近日率领经贸代表团访赣在江西大地着实掀起了一股赣港经贸合作的热浪。我们如何解读曾荫权率团访赣,这将给江西带来什么样的机遇?江西应该如何抓住机遇乘势而上呢? 2004年6月3日,在广州举行的“泛珠三角区域合作与发展论坛”上,广东、福建、湖南、海南、云南、贵州、江西、广西、四川以及香港、澳门泛珠三角区域的11个省区联合签署了《泛珠三角区域合作框架协议》,并建立了行政首长联席会议制度和秘书长协调制度,这标志着继长三角,珠三
Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang recently led an economic delegation to visit Jiangxi in Jiangxi Province, actually set off a wave of economic and trade cooperation in Gannan heat. How can we interpret the delegation’s visit to Jiangxi Donald Tsang, which will bring Jiangxi what kind of opportunity? Jiangxi should seize the opportunity to take advantage of the situation? June 3, 2004, held in Guangzhou, “Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Cooperation and Development Forum ”, the 11 provinces and autonomous regions in Guangdong, Fujian, Hunan, Hainan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Sichuan, Hong Kong and Macao Pan-Pearl River Delta regions jointly signed the Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Cooperation Framework Agreement and established The system of joint executive heads and the coordination system of the Secretary-General, which marked the follow-up to the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl III