高中物理甲种本第一册《物体的平衡》一章,在介绍有固定转动轴物体的平衡之后,与试用本相比,新增加了“力偶”等几节。“力偶”这一节,既是有固定转动轴物体的运动知识的发展与深化,又为以后讨论通电线圈在磁场中运动作了必要准备。一、新课的引入 1.复习入手提出问题。 (1)最基本的机械运动是平动和转动; (2)当在共点力作用下,物体只发生平动,不发生转动;当有固定转动轴时,物体只发生转动,不发生平动。 (3)当没有固定转动轴,在力的作用下,物体是否只发生平动,不发生转动呢?会不会不发生平动,只发生转动呢? 2.演示实验观察现象。
In the first volume of the “Balance of Objects” book in the first volume of the high school physics category, after introducing the balance of objects with fixed axes of rotation, a new section of “power couple” and other sections were added compared to the trial version. The section “The couple of forces” is both the development and intensification of the knowledge of the movement of objects with fixed axes of rotation. It also makes necessary preparations for the discussion of the movement of energized coils in the magnetic field. First, the introduction of the new class 1. Review and start to ask questions. (1) The most basic mechanical motion is translational motion and rotation; (2) When under the action of common point force, the object only undergoes translational motion and does not rotate; when there is a fixed rotation axis, the object only rotates and does not occur. move. (3) When there is no fixed axis of rotation, under the action of force, does the object only move in translation, does not rotate? Will not happen translation, only the rotation? 2. Demonstration experimental observation phenomenon.