北京国际木工机械暨家具材料展 2002年3月12日至15日,北京 中国国际展览中心再度隆重举行

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万众嘱目的北京国际木工机械暨家具材料展将于2002年3月再度举行。 为应付城市及乡镇人民对住房与日俱增的需求,中国计划于今后十年兴建超过八十四亿平方米住房;这些庞大的建筑工程将需要大量的木建材及室内装饰材料。 随着建筑业的迅速发展及中国人民生活水平的提升, The much-anticipated Beijing International Woodworking Machinery and Furniture Material Exhibition will be held again in March 2002. To cope with the increasing demand for housing from people in cities and towns, China plans to build more than 8.4 billion square meters of housing in the next decade; these huge construction projects will require large amounts of wood building materials and interior decoration materials. With the rapid development of the construction industry and the improvement of the living standards of the Chinese people,
Aiming at its establishedstrategic goal for internationaloperation, Shengli Oilfields madenew progress last year inexpansion at overseas markets andcooperation
Contract for development, equipment andconstruction of Zhaodong cooperative blockwas signed in Bejing on July 12, 2001. Thisis the first onshore oil foreign coo
Interviewing with Mr. Liu Xinghe,Genera Manager of CPECMChina Petroleum Materials Equipment Corporation(CPMEC) is the procurementcenter of China NationalPetrole
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。China’s Crude Production in First Nine Months of 2001 Please download and view, this article does not support online
2001年世界钢产量预测 据英国咨询机构MEPS预测,在2000年全球创纪录生产8.4亿吨粗钢之后,今年由于消费者降低库存水平,世界钢产量将减少1%,达到8.33亿吨。今年全球生铁产量也
Jilin CompanyJilin Oil Products Sales Company ofPetroChina marketed 1.58 millions of oilproducts and generated 160 million yuanof profits and taxes in 2000, set
摘要:二战后社会的迅速发展,致使犯罪率居高不下,原有的刑事诉讼制度已无法有效满足新的社会需求,面对堆积如山的未结案件和高昂的诉讼成本,世界各国纷纷进行司法改革来解决这一矛盾。其中美国的辩诉交易制度由于其低成本、高效率的特点,引起了我国理论界的关注,司法实践中也有所尝试。文章将通过分析这一制度的内容和法理基础来简要阐述对我国设立该制度的思考。  关键词:当事人主义;职权主义; 辩诉交易  目前我国的
18岁的李群是个聪明的孩子,在学校的成绩一直名列前茅。李群爸爸5年前下岗,由于身体不太好一直找不到稳定的工作,一家三口的生活仅靠李群妈妈不到2000元钱的工资维持。 The