十三、十四世纪的文艺复兴运动使欧洲社会在政治、经济、思想文化、科学艺术领域发生了巨大变革 ,表现出新的时代精神。这一时期的绘画艺术在内容、形式、题材上都出现了前所未有的发展。由于受到意大利艺术家们勇于探索、创新精神的影响 ,北欧艺术的“哥特式”传统风格已经发生了转变。其中德国绘画艺术的发展与繁荣在西方艺术史中占有特殊的地位。
The Renaissance movement of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries made great changes in the social, political, economic, ideological and cultural, scientific and artistic fields in Europe and showed a new spirit of the times. The art of painting in this period has seen unprecedented development in content, form and theme. Due to the courage of Italian artists to explore and innovate, the traditional “Gothic” style of Nordic art has undergone a transformation. Among them, the development and prosperity of the German painting art occupy a special place in the western art history.