目的:了解浙江省社区卫生服务机构公共卫生人员培训需求,为制定培训政策提供依据。方法:采用自填式调查问卷,在浙江省340个社区卫生服务机构中调查1 186人,回收率91.2%。结果:95.2%的调查对象有外出参加培训的需求;76.10%的人认为业务培训是比较适合的培训方式;57.72%的人认为每次培训时间2~3天较为合适,83.48%的人认为需要到上级疾控中心去进修;技能培训中以现场调查和处理的需求最大,专业培训中以传染病预防控制的需求最大;不同专业之间的培训需求存在差异。结论:社区卫生服务中心公共卫生人员培训需求较大,但需进一步提高培训内容的针对性。
OBJECTIVE: To understand the training needs of public health personnel in community health service agencies in Zhejiang Province and provide the basis for formulating training policies. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire was used to survey 1 186 people in 340 community health service agencies in Zhejiang Province, with a recovery rate of 91.2%. Results: 95.2% of respondents have the need to go out for training; 76.10% of them think that business training is a suitable training method; 57.72% think it is appropriate to train for 2 ~ 3 days and 83.48% To the higher CDC to attend the training; skills training to the scene of the investigation and treatment of the greatest demand for professional training in infectious disease prevention and control of the greatest demand; different professional training needs differences. Conclusion: Public health workers in community health service centers are in great demand for training, but the pertinence of training contents needs to be further improved.