The early diagnosis of trachoma (especially latent type) timely diagnosis, for the effective prevention and treatment of the disease, is of great significance. Correct diagnosis of trachoma plays an important role in the practical work of rural medical workers and in the daily work of the general practitioner, who is not an eye specialist himself. We conducted trachoma examinations on many residents and found that about 50% of patients had typical trachoma - typical follicles and infiltrated “vigorous” trachoma. The other half of the patients had hidden latent and progressive sand limitation and unknowingly became the source of the disease. This clinical change in trachoma has been discovered by Professor Powkowski many years ago; however, in a wide range of practical work this latent trachoma and its epidemiological significance, Still often overlooked. As evidenced by our examination, the hidden latent trachoma is often not noticed by the patient. The patient