中国音乐界熟悉和敬爱的新西兰作曲家、教育家、民俗音乐学家、艺术节策划人杰克·波蒂先生(Jack Body)即将在今年10月迎来他的70岁生日。波蒂先生是一位真正的“世界公民”。他生长在新西兰,并在那里接受教育。尽管具有欧洲血统的他也曾去欧洲深造,但对他影响最深、且持续至今的地方却是亚洲。他与中国渊源深长。1986年他第一次造访中国,从此接下不解之缘。当时,他不是以普通职业音乐家的身份来到中国,更不是一般的旅游者,而是怀着对这个古老而博大国度的神往来到这里,追溯他精神上的“根”。多年来,
Jack Body, a New Zealand composer, educator, folk musicologist and art festival curator, who is familiar and beloved in Chinese music, is about to embark on his 70th birthday this October. Mr. Porter is a real “citizen of the world.” He grew up in New Zealand and was educated there. Although he also had a European heritage, he also went to Europe for further studies. However, he has the deepest impact on him and continues to date in Asia. He has a long history with China. His first visit to China in 1986, from the indissoluble bound. At that time, he came to China not as an ordinary professional musician, but more than an ordinary tourist. Instead, he came back here with traces of his spiritual “root” with a fascination with this ancient and vast country. Over the years,