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当前的排水管网拓扑模型由于忽略了排水管网的细节特征,致使拓扑关系过于简单,不能完成特定排水业务模型空间分析,在一定程度上阻碍了排水GIS系统的发展。基于图论理论,本文提出了城市排水GIS系统细致拓扑模型。首先,基于面向对象方法提出拓扑概念模型和逻辑模型,增加其拓扑关系描述的细节规则,以实现对客观世界的真实模拟。然后在数据结构设计中,采用十字链表作为存储结构,将其改进并与R+树进行关联生成空间索引。在空间分析中,本文基于R+索引和十字链表提出了空间查询和路径分析典型算法。最后以镇江市城市排水管网地理信息系统开发为例,对拓扑模型进行了开发实践。试验结果表明,本文提出的拓扑模型可以更真实模拟客观世界,提供更多种空间分析,完成海量数据快速访问,为实现城市排水GIS系统海量数据的高效空间分析提供解决方案。 Due to the omission of the detail characteristics of the drainage network, the current topological model of drainage network makes the topological relationship too simple and can not complete spatial analysis of a particular drainage business model, which hinders the development of the drainage GIS system to a certain extent. Based on the theory of graph theory, this paper presents a meticulous topological model of urban drainage GIS system. First, based on the object-oriented method, the topological conceptual model and logical model are proposed, and the detailed rules of the topological relation description are added to realize the real simulation of the objective world. Then in the data structure design, the cross linked list is used as the storage structure, which is improved and associated with the R + tree to generate the spatial index. In spatial analysis, this paper proposes a typical algorithm of spatial query and path analysis based on R + index and cross linked list. Finally, taking the development of urban drainage network GIS in Zhenjiang as an example, the topology model is developed and practiced. The experimental results show that the proposed topology model can more objectively simulate the objective world, provide more spatial analysis, complete quick access of massive data, and provide solutions for the efficient spatial analysis of massive data of urban drainage GIS system.
通过利用20世纪80年代末期、2000年和2015年3期100 m分辨率的土地利用数据对现有的474个国家级自然保护区进行土地利用变化和地貌分析,探究近25年来我国国家级自然保护区地貌