
来源 :炭素技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DKarson
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以针刺预制体为胚体制备C/C-SiC复合材料,在材料表面制备CVD-SiC涂层,研究涂层及未涂层试样的抗氧化性能及弯曲性能。结果表明:在1 500℃恒温氧化0.5 h和1 h后,C/C-SiC复合材料的氧化失重分别为20.64%和43.85%,弯曲强度分别为91.9 MPa和63.1 MPa;而CVD-SiC涂层C/C-SiC复合材料失重率分别为5.83%和6.43%,弯曲强度分别高达150 MPa和129 MPa。SiC涂层有助于在材料表层氧化形成大量SiO_2保护膜,阻止了材料内部的进一步氧化,从而提高了复合材料的抗氧化性能和力学性能。 The C / C-SiC composites were prepared by using the needle preform as the embryo body. The CVD-SiC coating was prepared on the surface of the material to study the oxidation resistance and bending properties of the coated and uncoated samples. The results show that the oxidation loss of C / C-SiC composites is 20.64% and 43.85%, respectively, and the flexural strengths are 91.9 MPa and 63.1 MPa respectively after being oxidized at 1 500 ℃ for 0.5 h and 1 h. However, the CVD-SiC coating The weight loss rates of C / C-SiC composites were 5.83% and 6.43%, respectively. The flexural strengths were as high as 150 MPa and 129 MPa, respectively. SiC coating helps to form a large amount of SiO2 protective film on the surface of the material, preventing the further oxidation inside the material, thereby improving the oxidation resistance and mechanical properties of the composite.
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辣椒属于茄科,辣椒属。一般以果实作为食用部分,辣椒中维生素丙的含量在蔬菜中居第一位,果皮和胎座中含有挥发性的辣椒素,有辣味,能增进食欲。我县夏季种植辣椒以采收红果 P