Cao Zhi is the representative of Jian’an poet in the late Han Dynasty; As early as the early 1950s, during the period of the War to Resist USSR and North Korea, Zhonghua Publishing House published Twelve Poets in the Motherland, and was listed with Qu Yuan, Li Bai and Du Fu as the great poets of the motherland. Cao Zhi long enjoy outstanding, famous poet’s reputation, which is more known side. The other side of the poet is little known. This is Cao Cao’s first attempt to be a political man. He has ambitious political aspirations and has designed himself a career path for political administration. In his endeavor to realize his political aspirations, with his personal political aspirations clashing with the real political environment, In the process of gradually turning it into a bubble, Cao Zhi received a wealth of precious spiritual wealth, and from that it became a glorious poem, casting and becoming an outstanding poet. There is no politics, no political aspiration, and the failure of government and enterprises to seek political participation. In short, there is no Cao Zhi without political self-design.