目的:调查台州市基层医护人员台风灾害现场急救能力及培训需求,为针对性开展培训提供参考。方法随机整群抽取台州市部分乡镇卫生院和社区卫生服务中心的178名医护人员为调查对象,采用自制问卷进行调查。结果基层医护人员除了对台风高发时段知晓率较高(86.5%)外,其余各项台风相关知识知晓率均不足50%;现场急救能力除了对氧气袋的使用熟练掌握率较高(61.2%)外,其余项目熟练掌握率为2.8%~41.6%;不同职业、职称、学历的基层医护人员现场急救技能掌握情况存在统计学差异(P<0.01),但不同工作年限之间无显著差异;培训需求前五位依次为急救仪器使用、休克急救、心肺复苏、外伤包扎止血和急救药品使用等临床常用项目。结论基层医护人员灾害知识及现场急救能力不足,不能满足频发的灾害对现场救援的需求。相关部门应因地制宜,按需培训,以提高基层医疗系统灾害应对能力。“,”Objective To understand the primary level medical assistants’on-site first aid techniques and training demand for hurricane disaster, and provide valuable preference for creating specific trainings. Methods A self-created questionnaire was answered by 178 primary level medical assistants randomly selected from the hygiene institutes and hygiene services in Taizhou. Results It reflected a 86.5%accuracy on hurricane occurrence time frame, a less than 50%of understanding on a comprehensive knowledge of hurricane;61.2%of being capable for using oxygen bag;between 2.8%and 41.6%for all rest subjects, among the 178 people. The primary level medical assistants who were in different profession and educational backgrounds also reflected a statistical difference on first aid knowledge (P<0.01), with no difference found in years of working. Demands for training were how to use first aid equipment, resuscitation, CPR, trauma dressing, and how to use the first aid kit. Conclusion The primary level medical assistants reflected an insufficient capability in on-site first aid knowledge which cannot meet the demand in case of a hurricane occurrence. It requests a localized and specific training program in order to straighten the first aid capability.