
来源 :中国文字研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loveherway110
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在现代信息化社会,人名的作用越来越重要,而人名用字在计算机上能否输出和无障碍交流,影响到个人工作生活中的方方面面,近些年来这类问题日益突出。为此,国家语委立项研制《汉语人名规范》。这项正在进行的工作被媒体披露后,引起了广大民众的强烈关注,以致自2003年5月开始,全国各大媒体掀起了一场讨论人名用字问题的热潮。据网上调查统计,大多数人认为人名用字应该规范,但也有人反对,其理由是认为人名规范是对公民姓名权的干预,应该通过不断扩大字库的办法让计算机服务于人,而不是限制人名用字去适应计算机。那么,扩大计算机字库是不是就可以真正解决人名用字问题,规范人名用字就真的侵害了公民的姓名权了呢?文章认为,扩大计算机字库和规范人名用字是完全不同的两件事,二者都很重要,但不能以此代彼。规范人名用字不但不侵害公民的姓名权,反而有利于更好的保护公民与姓名有关的各项权利。 In the modern information society, the role of personal names is more and more important. The names and names can be output on the computer and the barrier-free communication can affect all aspects of personal work and life. Such problems have become increasingly prominent in recent years. To this end, the National Language Commission project to develop “Chinese names standards.” This ongoing work, which was disclosed by the media, has aroused strong public concern. As a result, since May 2003, major media outlets in the country have started a wave of discussions on the issue of names and names. According to online surveys and statistics, most people think that names should be standardized, but others also object to the argument that the naming convention is an interference with the right of citizens, and that computers should serve people rather than be limited by expanding the number of fonts Person names to adapt to the computer word. So, to expand the computer font is not really solve the problem of using the name of the person, to regulate the name of the word really infringes the citizen's right to name? The article believes that the expansion of the computer font and regulate the use of names are two completely different words Both are important but can not be used for this purpose. Not only does the standardization of names and names not violate the citizen's right to name, but it helps to better protect citizens' rights related to their names.
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