本文是80年《光学工程》第一期《整组物镜各面偏心差的测量》的续篇。介绍了最佳基准轴变换的原理、数学公式推导,以及权重选择的原则,最后给出整组物镜各面偏心差测量的计算程序流程图和在Canon Bx—1型计算机上的处理实例。
This article is the sequel to the first issue of “Optical Engineering” in 1980, “Measurement of Eccentricity of Whole Set of Objective Lens.” The principle of the best reference axis transformation, the derivation of the mathematical formula and the principle of weight selection are introduced. Finally, the flow chart of calculating the eccentricity measurement of the whole set of objective lens and the processing examples on the Canon Bx-1 computer are given.