久野久(Hisashi Kuno)教授是世界上著名的岩石学家,在火山学和火山岩石学方面造诣颇深。 作为火山学和火山岩石学家,久野抓住了两个“支柱”——玄武岩和辉石,并在它们的地质产状特点、成因及分异作用等方面作出了贡献。 久野久1910年1月7日生于东京,早在学生时代,当他一跨进地质系的门槛,就对火山岩发生了兴趣。1929年,十九岁时进入东京大学地质系,专攻岩石学。在坪井教授的指导下,调查了伊豆半岛北部的火山岩地质。1932年以此为论文毕业。同年发表了《关于
Prof. Hisashi Kuno is a famous petrochemist in the world with a deep knowledge of volcanology and volcanology. As a volcanologist and volcanic rock scientist, Nagano caught two “pillars” - basalt and pyroxene and contributed to their geological features, causes and differentiation. Nagano Hisahara was born in Tokyo on January 7, 1910. As early as the student days, he became interested in volcanic rocks as soon as he crossed the threshold of the geology department. In 1929, he entered the Faculty of Geology of the University of Tokyo at the age of nineteen and specialized in petrology. Under the guidance of Professor Tsuboi, volcanic geology in northern Izu Peninsula was investigated. 1932 as a thesis graduate. The same year published a "About