Petrology,Geochemistry and Genesis of Kuiqi Granite Batholith

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry(English Language Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kuibugo
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The Kuiqi granite batholith outcrops in the vicinity of Fuzhou City,Fujian Province andconstitutes one of the typical alkali granitic complexes in the“Belt of Miarolidc Granites”ex-tending along the southeast coast of China.The complex is believed to have been emplacedat higher levels of the crust in a tensional fault environment.Petrographically it is composedmainly of aegirine-arfvedsonite granites with early biotite granites scattered.Miarolitic struc-ture and granophyric texture are commonly ob served.The Rb-Sr isochron age of the complexis 107.65 m.y.Both petrological and petrochemical studies show that the Kuiqi granite is ofA-type.Data on chemical composition,REE pattern and transition dements reveal that thereis a close genetic connection between granites and associated volcanic rocks.Thus,syntexis-type(Ⅰ-type)granite,A-type granite and volcanic rocks form a cogenetic“trinity”,in whichthe A-type granite is usually the latest member of the volcanic-intrusive series. The Kuiqi granite batholith outcrops in the vicinity of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province and institutes one of the typical alkali granitic complexes in the “Belt of Miarolidc Granites” ex-tending along the southeast coast of China. The complex is believed to have been emplacedat higher levels of the crust in a tensional fault environment. Pietrographically it is composed mainly of aegirine-arfvedsonite granites with early biotite granites scattered. Miarolitic struc-ture and granophyric texture are ob ob served. The Rb-Sr isochron age of the complexis 107.65 myBoth petrological and petrochemical studies show that the Kuiqi granite is ofAtype.Data on chemical composition, REE pattern and transition dements reveal that thereis a close genetic connection between granites and associated volcanic rocks.Thus, syntexis-type granite, A- type granite and volcanic rocks form a cogenetic “trinity”, in which the A-type granite is usually the latest member of the volcanic-intrusive series.
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