共产国际关于世界资本主义第三时期内普遍危机和世界革命高潮正在形成的论断 ,以及关于中国民族全面危机和革命高潮的指示 ,为“立三路线”的形成提供了重要理论依据。“立三路线”虽源于共产国际 ,但它又在某些方面违反了共产国际的旨意 ,所以遭到共产国际的批评和反对。当然 ,共产国际批评和反对“立三路线” ,目的是为了扶植王明上台
The Comintern’s assertion as to the general crisis in the third period of world capitalism and the climax of the world revolution as well as the directive on the overall crisis of the Chinese nation and the climax of the revolution provide an important theoretical basis for the formation of the “three-way”. Although it originated from the Comintern, the “Li-San line” violated the Communist International’s will in some respects and so was criticized and opposed by the Comintern. Of course, the Communist International criticizes and opposes “establishing the three lines” in order to support Wang Ming’s taking power