
来源 :物理化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangjm
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The multiphoton ionization and fragmentation pathway of furan at 450nm is analyzed on the basis of statistical theory and Ladder-Switching model. Our calculation indicates that fragmentation takes plase after furan molecules absorb six photons of 450nm, C+ begins to appear after absorption of nine photons, production of C2+ ions needs absorption of at least 15 photons. Our interesting result is that C+ ions is produced by dissociation of C3H+, CH2+ and C3+ ions, not of C2+ ions. Theoretically computed relative abundance of C+/C2+ after absorption 15 photons agrees well with our experimental results. The multiphoton ionization and fragmentation pathway of furan at 450 nm is analyzed on the basis of statistical theory and Ladder-Switching model. Our calculation indicates that fragmentation takes plase after furan molecules absorb six photons of 450 nm, C + begins to appear after absorption of nine photons, production of C2 + ions needs absorption of at least 15 photons. Our interesting result is that C + ions is produced by dissociation of C3H +, CH2 + and C3 + ions, not of C2 + ions. Theoretically computed relative abundance of C + / C2 + after absorption 15 photons agrees well with our experimental results.
篮球“运球三步上篮”是温州市的体育中考项目之一,也是篮球教学中的重点与难点项目。在教学中,教师往往采用了很多种练习方法而收效甚微,究其原因不在于技术动作的分解不够细化、全面,而在于练习内容没有合理、有效地优化编序。笔者通过实践,改进了一些教学方法,在篮球“三步上篮”教学中取得了较为理想的效果,在这里将其梳理、归纳,以供广大体育界的同仁借鉴、研讨和参考。  一、集中授课时问,强化单元教学思维  单元
BACKGROUND:Transplantation of cell lines expressing neurturin(NTN) has been used to treat animal models of Parkinson’s disease.However,gene homology between hu
12月23日 40亿美元注入土耳其 国际货币基金组织批准向土耳其提供约40亿美元的备用信贷,以支持土政府实施2000-2002年经济计划。 ■ 12月23日 美财团收购韩第一银行 韩国储
目的利用pSOS-HUS系统构建针对小鼠碱性调宁蛋白(h1-calponin)的RNA干扰载体并对其干扰效率进行验证。方法利用在线软件设计三段针对小鼠h1-calponin cDNA的寡核苷酸(A、B、C
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【摘要】本文是针对在施工过程中公路桥梁产生裂缝的原因作出了一个全面的分析和总结,然后做出有效的控制方法,从而做到保证施工工程上的质量。先从裂缝的两大类型上展开的,分别谈到了结构性裂缝和非结构性裂缝,其中结构性裂缝可分为设计结构性裂缝及施工结构性裂缝。非结构性裂缝可分为冻胀裂缝,温差裂缝,材料干裂缝,龟裂缝以及其他侵害性裂缝。  【关键词】公路桥梁;施工裂缝;防治措施;质量控制;形成原因;应对技术 