“九月九鱼封口,立冬莫往塘 边走。”随着季节变化,天 气逐渐寒冷,不少垂钓爱好者刀枪 入库,偃旗息鼓不再出征了。实际 上根据冬季气温低、食物少、大鲫懒 动喜荤的特点,采用小串钩逗钓,钓 深,同样可以做到锦鳞盈篓鱼满筐。 一、巧配钓组利其器 “工欲善其事,必先利其器”, 钓鱼也是这个道理。要想钓得多, 精选钓具合理搭配是关键。进入冬 季,大鲫鱼为抵抗寒冷都向深水游 去,用手竿钓鲫鱼有一定难度,而用 矶竿小串钩抛远钓深则能收到意想
“Sept. nine fish seal, Li Dong Mo go to the pond.” As the seasons change, the weather is getting cold, many fishing enthusiasts sword storage, died down no longer extinct. In fact, according to the characteristics of low temperature in winter, less food, big crucian carp, use small hooks to catch fish and catch deep fish, the same can be done with baskets full of baskets. First, cleverly equipped with fishing tackle group “workers want good things, we must first sharpen his” fishing is the truth. To catch more, select a reasonable fishing tackle is the key. Into the winter, big crucian carp to swim to the deep water to resist the cold, crucian carp fishing with hand rod has some difficulty,