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孔子故里山东省曲阜市不仅是著名的历史文化名城,而且是有着拥军支前光荣传统的全省“双拥模范城”。在这里,提及新时期的拥军新闻人物,人们最津津乐道的当属市委书记、市人武部党委第一书记张术平。 Hometown of Confucius Qufu City, Shandong Province is not only a famous historical and cultural city, but also has the honor of supporting the army with the province’s “double-support model city.” Here, referring to the new era of the supporters of the news people, the most remembered as the municipal party committee secretary, Municipal People’s Armed Police Ministry Party Committee Secretary Zhang first.
选择铝合金焊接用最佳填充金属的原则是缩小填充金属凝固温度范围 ,减少焊接应力 ,降低裂纹敏感性和可进行焊后处理以提高焊缝的机械性能。强调只有在对焊接工件的工作性能要
在罗马尼亚的1989年事件之后,被许多人视为布尔什维克语言的俄语,曾作为罗马尼亚普通中小学中必学科目之一的俄语,其教学情况每况愈下,如今在首都布加勒斯特, After Romania
Tunneling field effect transistors(TFETs) based on two-dimensional materials are promising contenders to the traditional metal oxide semiconductor field effect
To explore suitable single-phase white emission phosphors for warm white light emitting diodes, a series of novel phosphors Na_3MgZr(PO_4)_3:xDy~(3+)(0 ≤ x ≤
Miniaturization of electronic package leads to high heat density and heat accumulation in electronics device, resulting in short life time and premature failure
中国奶业协会副理事长、《中国奶牛》杂志主编方有生同志,因病医治无效,不幸于2004年11月22日中午11时在北京逝世,享年63岁。 China Dairy Association vice chairman, “Ch