抗衰老剂是湖南省科委下达的“植物生长调节剂在水稻上的应用研究”课题中的一部分,经过1989—1991年3年在全省各地的试验示范与生产应用,居21种供试物质的首位。该产品在水稻上的应用研究已于1991年12月21日由省科委组织、省农业厅主持通过省级鉴定。 水稻生长后期,由于根系活
Anti-aging agent is the Hunan Science and Technology Commission issued the “plant growth regulator in rice research” part of the project, after 1989-1991 years in all parts of the province’s pilot demonstration and production applications, ranking 21 kinds of test Material first place. The application of the product on rice has been organized by the Provincial Science and Technology Commission on December 21, 1991, and the Provincial Department of Agriculture presided over the provincial appraisal. Late rice growth due to root activity