1937年11月20日,国民政府宣告迁都重庆,同时,任命唐生智为南京卫戌司令长官,投入10万兵力守卫南京。12月5日至8日,敌我双方在江宁、汤山、龙潭等地形成遭遇战。10日至12日又在雨花台、上新河、紫金山、光华门等处展开激战。12日下午5时,中国守军仓促撤退,南京遂告沦陷。 1937年12月13日,侵华日军占领南京后,开始了长达6周的杀、烧、淫、掠暴行,我被害同胞30万人以上。当时的南京,尸横遍野,
On November 20, 1937, the Kuomintang government announced that it would relocate to Chongqing. At the same time, Tang Shengzhi was appointed as governor of Nanjing Wei Xu and invested 100,000 troops to guard Nanjing. From December 5 to December 8, both sides have formed encounters with each other in Jiangning, Tangshan and Longtan. From January 10 to December 12, they started a fierce battle at Yuhuatai, Shangxinhe, Zijin Mountain and Guanghua Gate. At 5:00 p.m. on the 12th, the Chinese defenders retreated in a hurry and Nanjing subsequently claimed the enemy to fall. On December 13, 1937, when the Japanese invaded Japan occupied Nanjing, they started killing, burning, sexting and sexually abusing for six weeks. My compatriot killed more than 300,000 people. Nanjing at the time, corpses over the field,