了解柳州地区不同人群中庚型肝炎病毒感染情况。方法 :对柳州地区 10 2 0例不同人群血清用 EL ISA法进行庚型肝炎病毒抗体 (抗 - HGV)检测。结果 :抗 - HGV总阳性率为 3.2 4%。其中丙型肝炎患者、血透者、静脉吸毒者三组人群中抗 -HGV阳性率较高 ,分别为 2 0 .0 % ,18.18% ,6 .0 % ,与自然人群组对比 ,HGV感染率有显著差异。而非甲 -戊型肝炎患者中HGV感染率仅 3.70 % ,与自然人群对比无显著差异。结论 :柳州地区存在 HGV感染。血液传播为 HGV感染的主要传播途径。庚型肝炎病毒可能不是非甲 -戊型肝炎的主要致病因子。
To understand the different groups of people in Gansu hepatitis G virus infection. Methods: Serum of 102 0 different people in Liuzhou district were detected by ELISA with anti - HGV antibody. Results: The total positive rate of anti - HGV was 3.2 4%. The positive rate of anti-HGV among the three groups of hepatitis C patients, hemodialysis patients and intravenous drug users was 20.0%, 18.18% and 6.0% respectively. Compared with the natural population, the HGV infection rate There are significant differences. The incidence of HGV infection in non-A-HE patients was only 3.70%, which was not significantly different from the control group. Conclusion: There is HGV infection in Liuzhou area. Blood transmission is the main route of transmission of HGV infection. Hepatitis G virus may not be the major causative agent of non-A-hepatitis E virus.