提升四大特色产业 加快发展县域经济

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近年来,我们发挥资源优势,培植特色经济,大力发展石材、金银花、果品加工和蒙山旅游四大产业,形成了一批外向度较高,特色明显,带动作用强的骨干群体,目前,四大特色产业所实现的国内生产总值占全县总量的30%以上。面对入世和市场经济发展的新形势,我们将继续发挥优势特色,努力开拓两个市场,提升四大产业,推动我县经济更快更好地发展。一、提升壮大石材产业,实现建材大县向建材强县跨越我县花岗石资源丰富,已探明优质花岗石储量23亿立方米,现有花岗石矿山50多处,加工企业500多家,年加工板材600万平方米,出口板材20万平方米,是我省“十五”期间重点培育扶持的三大石材基地之一。力争到2005年,石材业年创收入达到20亿元,把我县建成集开采、加工、销售于一体的全国最大的石材集散地。一是扩大园区, In recent years, we have given full play to our advantages in resources, cultivated distinctive economies, vigorously developed the four major industries of stone, honeysuckle, fruit processing and tourism in Mengshan and formed a group of key groups with a high degree of externalities, distinct features and strong driving force. At present, The gross domestic product (GDP) realized by the special industries accounts for more than 30% of the total in the entire county. Faced with the new situation of joining the WTO and the development of market economy, we will continue to give full play to our advantages and exploit our efforts to open up two markets, enhance the four major industries and promote the rapid and better economic development in our county. First, to enhance the growth of stone industry, to achieve building materials County to building materials County across the granite rich in resources, has proven 2.3 billion cubic meters of high-quality granite reserves, the existing granite mines more than 50, 500 processing enterprises Many, the processing plate 6 million square meters, the export sheet 200,000 square meters, is the province “fifteen ” focus on cultivating and supporting one of the three stone base. Strive to 2005, the annual revenue of stone industry reached 2 billion yuan, the county built into mining, processing and sales in one of the country’s largest stone distribution center. First, expand the park,
冶金部十一钢铁公司(厂)分析试样加工首次经验交流会,于1981年9月21~24日在鞍山召开.参加会议的有23个单位的70名代表. Metallurgical Department Eleven Iron and Steel Co
一、燕尾导轨平行度检具    附图1所示的检具,其结构既轻便,又简单,通用性大,可用来与形状尺寸种类繁多的“凸形”的导轨上下面相配,检查导轨的平行度。    这种检具
图示为装在车床上的铲背装置。虽然看起来很复杂,其实制造起来相当简单,因为它本身的制造精度要求不高,但却能加工出高精度的工件。 该装置中的零件“A”是一块L型的钢板,其
见到李留根时,他正在鲁石路绿色通道建设工地上,赤膊抽水浇树正酣。 1981年,李留根只身一人来到贫困山区鲁山县林业局工作,光秃秃的荒山尽收眼底。他心里清楚,若想在这样的
本刊讯(记者李见新)4月25日至26日,鹤壁职业技术学院“高职教育发展之路”高层研讨会举行。全国人大常委会委员、全国人大法律委员会副主任、民盟中央副主席李重庵,河南省 T