“The world’s richest man” from the “抠” came out in the “2004 Rich List,” and Wal-Mart Chairman Robertson Walton, the US retail company, topped the list. Wal-Mart’s success has become the mystery of many economists. An expert conducted an in-depth investigation of Wal-Mart and discovered an important secret of Wal-Mart’s growing strength. A large company: From the department manager to the operation director, the laptops carried with them are all cut from scrap reports; all employees cannot send personal e-mails during business hours, and the monthly mobile phone charges must be printed out; the purchasing department staff are found once To eat with customers, you must leave immediately; most salespersons do not enjoy a variety of benefits... Benefits are the eternal theme of the company, and the most direct factor related to benefits is cost. How to calculate costs? How to control and reduce costs? This is an issue that every entrepreneur is extremely concerned about. It is also every company