As early as 1962, Jinks proposed that the method of filling the tunnel with the premolars should be done from the occlusal surface to the distal surface. In recent years, due to the continuous improvement of dental materials and the introduction of some new materials, they have also aroused the interest of tunnel-type holes. After clinical practice, that ketac-Silver (glass ion-silver alloy ceramic cement powder) tunnel tunnel ideal filler. The tunnel preparation preserves the ridge of the tooth and minimizes damage to healthy tooth tissue, saving time compared to traditional Class II cave repair. Hole preparation and filling methods are mainly 1. According to (occlusal) wing X-ray film to estimate the lesion range, select the appropriate size of the round diamond and determine the cutting angle by the lesion 2. The first water-cooled high-speed drilling preparation (occlusal) Surface import 3. Adjacent surface insert into the shape of the protection of the adjacent teeth 4. From the (occlusal) surface through the axial preparation of the tunnel and remove the quality and dentine caries 5. Clean the prepared tooth surface and the tunnel dip