经济欠发达地区 师资队伍现状分析及应对策略

来源 :小学教育科研论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuzhoucumt
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最近,笔者对具有一定代表性的苏北经济欠发达的苏北某地区的师资队伍的现状进行了详细的调查分析,并结合自己多年的工作实践提出了相应的应对策略。一、苏北经济欠发达地区师资队伍的现状笔者曾先后担任过苏北某区重点小学的教师、教务主任、副校长,农村中心小学的校长,农村乡镇 Recently, I carried out a detailed investigation and analysis of the status quo of a certain number of teachers in a certain area of ​​Northern Jiangsu, which is underdeveloped in Northern Jiangsu, and put forward corresponding coping strategies based on my own work practice for many years. First, the Northern Jiangsu economically underdeveloped areas of the status quo of teachers I have served as a major primary school in Northern Jiangsu area teachers, Dean, Vice President, principals of rural primary schools, rural villages and towns