弘扬长征精神 加快海西建设——福建中央红军长征出发地暨红军北上抗日先遣队途经地巡礼 红军北上抗日先遣队途经地——大田

来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nkxrb
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1934年7月18日,红军北上抗日先遣队的先头部队由永安西洋进入大田县的桃源,继而,先遣队6000多人和护送先遣队过闽江的红九军团4000多人的大部队陆续进入桃源。先造队和红九军团一部分,经桃源、赐福亭东进宿营于上京。7月21日,先遣队占领了大田县城,缴获步枪10余支,无线电台和电话机各1部、食盐万余斤。先遣队和红九军团在县城驻扎了3天,指挥部设在西门原育智小学。红军进驻县城之后,刷写革命标语,分发传单,宣传抗日救国道理,开展了一系列活动。在文庙召开贫苦群众大会,以事实揭露蒋介石反共反人民投降卖国的罪恶阴谋,讲明红军是穷人的队伍,号召贫苦农民团结起来,会后即分物品给贫苦农民。同时,他们深入群众,为群众排忧解难。当时大田城关连日大雨滂沱,洪水上涨,红军战士积极帮助一些受淹的贫苦农民搬迂,并送饭接济。7月23日,先遣队到达湖美乡高才坂。24日上午红军在高才坂种德堂门口广场上召开了群众大会,宣传共产党的政策,讲明工农红军的性质和这次奉命北上抗日的任务。会后,开仓分粮,并镇压了反动分子。25日拂晓,先遣队和红九军团离开高才坂。由当地农民作向导,分兵两路向尤溪县挺进。 On July 18, 1934, the first unit of the Red Army advance anti-Japanese advance team northward entered the Taoyuan County of Taoyuan County from Yong’an. After that, more than 6,000 advance troops and large forces of over 4,000 troops from the Red Corps carrying escorts and advance troops in the Minjiang River came one after another Taoyuan. The first team and the Red Army Corps part of the Taoyuan, blessing booth east into the camp in Beijing. On July 21, the advance team occupied the county town of Daejeon, seized over 10 rifles, one radio station and one telephone set, and ten thousand kilos of salt. The advance team and Red 9 Corps stationed in the county for 3 days, headquarters in Ximen Yuzhi primary school. After the Red Army stationed in the county, they wrote revolutionary slogans, distributed leaflets, propagandized the anti-Japanese and national salvation truths and carried out a series of activities. Held a poor general assembly in the Confucian Temple to expose the evil conspiracy of Chiang Kai-shek to oppose communism and oppose the surrender of the people and sell the country, stating that the Red Army is a poor team and calling for the poor peasants to unite and give goods to poor peasants immediately after the meeting. At the same time, they are deeply involved in the masses and solve problems for the masses. At that time, the weather in Daejeon was heavy and the floods rose. The Red Army soldiers actively helped some poor peasants who were flooded and relocated. On July 23, the advance team arrived at Lake Meixiang High Court Sakamoto. On the morning of the 24th, the Red Army held a mass meeting on the square at the gate of Taketaka Sakamoto Hall to publicize the policy of the Communist Party and state the nature of the Red Army and the task of being ordered to go north to fight the Japanese. After the meeting, open positions and food, and suppress the reactionaries. At dawn on the 25th, the advance team and the Red Army Corps left Caocanzaka. Guided by local peasants, both sides divide the army into Youxi County.