我们可爱的中华!五千年发展史的传统,50年共和国的历程,迎来了如今节日的四海欢腾。“不同时期文明发展的速度,同它距人类历史发展的时距的平方成正比。”这50年的变化比前五千年的变化更为深广更为生动。我们的国家仍然不发达,仍然在发展中。尽管我们承受着人口和资源的压力,尽管我们征途上坎坷不平,毕竟描绘出稳定祥和、民生国泰的盛世图景,在精神上、物质上,拥有了强大的保障、依靠和支撑。 古圣先哲,早就从民生的视野,为人文关怀倾注了无限深情,“老有所终,壮有所用,幼
Our lovely Chinese! The history of five thousand years of history, the history of 50 years of the Republic, ushered in today’s festive universal joy. “The speed of civilizations in different periods of development is directly proportional to the square of the time span it has taken for the development of human history.” The 50-year change is more profound and vivid than the change of the previous five thousand years. Our country is still underdeveloped and still under development. Although we bear the pressure of population and resources, despite the bumpy ups and downs on our journey, after all, we can draw a picture of a stable and peaceful prosperity and a prosperous landscape of people’s livelihood and prosperity. We have a strong guarantee, support and support in spiritual and material terms. Ancient holiness Sage, long livelihood from the perspective of human care has long been devoted infinite affection, "the old end, strong use, young