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以福建省平潭市政道路项目为依托,通过岩土有限差分软件FLAC3D建模,对综合管沟应力分布规律进行了研究。在所建模型中,包含9个关键位置。研究方法为:改变综合管沟上部荷载,监测每个位置各个方向的应力值(横向、竖向、纵向);改变综合管沟埋深,监测其中3个关键位置的竖向应力值。研究结果表明:在综合管沟上端角部3个关键位置存在应力集中现象;估算或监测时,可以只考虑几个关键位置的竖向应力,减少工作量;适当增加管沟埋深,可以减少管沟应力集中现象。 Based on the Pingtan Municipal Road Project in Fujian Province, the stress distribution of the integrated pipe trench was studied by FLAC3D software. There are nine key locations in the model we built. The research methods are as follows: changing the load of the upper part of the integrated pipe ditch, monitoring the stress values ​​(horizontal, vertical and vertical) of each position in each direction; changing the buried depth of the integrated pipe ditch and monitoring the vertical stress values ​​in the three key positions. The results show that there is stress concentration in the three key positions of the upper corner of the integrated pipe ditch. When estimating or monitoring, only the vertical stress of several key positions can be considered to reduce the workload. Properly increasing the depth of the pipe ditch can reduce Trench ditch stress concentration.
电容式电压互感器(CVT)现广泛应用于电力系统中。作为一次电压检测设备,其性能的好坏直接影响二次电压的测量、继电保护的正常工作,甚至威胁到系统安全。针对某变电站110 kV
冬春咳嗽、痰多、喘息常见,原因有风寒感冒、风热感冒、痰湿感冒等,相当于现代医学中的急性上呼吸道感染(初患感冒或感冒初愈)、慢性支气管炎、阻塞性肺气肿、支气管扩张、肺结核并发感染等。治疗咳嗽、痰多、喘息除了可使用中药煎剂,还可选用具有“简、便、廉、验”作用的中成药。笔者根据临床所见,搜集并整理了5款用于治疗上述疾患的中成药,供有需要的患者朋友参考。  1.蜜炼川贝枇杷膏(急慢性支气管炎、阻塞性肺气肿