Male patient, 62 years old, has a history of coronary heart disease for 10 years, due to chest tightness, shortness of breath for 1 week, increased 1 day admission. ECG shows sinus rhythm, frequent atrial fibrillation, incomplete right bundle branch block, right ventricular hypertrophy, strain. No history of epilepsy. After admission, intravenous infusion of low molecular weight dextran, compound Salvia, energy mixture, oral amiodarone. After 1 week, symptoms relieved, premature beats disappeared. Admission on the 10th day, due to constipation, defecation for a long time, a sudden loss of consciousness, convulsions, pale, about 1.5 minutes after the conscious recovery, convulsions stopped. ECG showed sinus bradycardia, sinus arrest, heart rate 28 beats / min. Clinical diagnosis