Shanghai-Urumqi trunk line is one of thelongest railway trunk lines in our country,passing six provinces and one municipality witha total distance of 4,079 kilometres.The rail-way postal carriage in this line mainly has thetask of delivering,sorting and transportingmails,newspapers and magazines.It passes 71postal stations and takes 8 days and nights toand fro.Year in and year out,the green mes-sengers in the postal carriage have swiftlydelivered mails and newspapers for the Partyand the people.
Shanghai-Urumqi trunk line is one of thelongest railway trunk lines in our country, passing six provinces and one municipality witha total distance of 4,079 kilometres. The rail-way postal carriage in this line mainly has the task of delivering, sorting and forwardingmails, newspapers and magazines.It passes 71postal stations and takes 8 days and nights toand fro.Year in and year out, the green mes-sengers in the postal carriage have swiftlydelivered mails and newspapers for the Partyand the people.