血链球菌(Streptococcus sanguis)与龋齿发病的关系近年来受到广泛的重视。但关于该菌参与其它疾病发生的报道尚不多见。作者发现1例罕见的血链球菌引起的尿路感染,现将有关资料报告如下。一、临床资料:患者,女,34岁。自述尿频、尿急7年,且有时伴有尿痛,经服呋喃坦啶等药后稍好转,但经常复发。近3年来还伴有明显的骥痛,多次在当地医院就诊,被诊断为“尿路感染”。
The relationship between streptococcus sanguis and the incidence of dental caries has been paid more and more attention in recent years. However, the bacteria involved in other diseases is still rare. The authors found a case of rare streptococcus suis urinary tract infection, the relevant information is reported as follows. First, the clinical data: patients, female, 34 years old. Frequent urination, urinary urgency for 7 years, and sometimes accompanied by dysuria, after treatment with furadantin and other drugs slightly better, but often recurrence. Nearly 3 years also accompanied by obvious pain, many times in the local hospital for treatment, was diagnosed as “urinary tract infection.”