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阅读是一个古老的话题,从战国时代的荀子到近代的张之洞,不知多少有识之士写过劝学篇希望下一代去好好读书,国际阅读协会把“鼓励人们养成终生阅读的习惯”作为根本宗旨。阅读可以帮助学生了解社会,认识人生,丰富情感,陶冶情操,形成健全的人格。另外,阅读对于学生文学素养的熏陶和积淀,以及培养学生开放、多元的文化精神,增强适应社会的能力等都具有不可替代的作用。语文归根结底是一种阅读,阅读历史、阅读社会、阅读自己,可包括文字的阅读、情感的阅读、心灵的阅读……语文学习归根结底是一种阅读的学习。 Reading is an ancient topic, from Xunzi in the Warring States Period to Zhang Zhidong in modern times. I do not know how many people of insight wrote Encouraging Articles to hope that the next generation will study hard. The International Reading Association will encourage people to cultivate lifelong reading The habit of "as a fundamental purpose. Reading can help students understand the community, understanding of life, rich emotions, cultivate sentiment, the formation of a sound personality. In addition, reading has an irreplaceable effect on the literacy and accumulation of students, as well as cultivating open and diverse cultural spirits of students and enhancing their ability to adapt to the society. After all, the language is a kind of reading, reading history, reading the community, reading oneself, which can include the reading of words, the reading of emotions, the reading of mind ... Chinese learning is, in the final analysis, a kind of reading learning.
企业如何让人才有一个好的环境来创新呢?更重要的还是企业的文化和公司的管理机制。    当托马斯弗里德曼(Thomas L. Friedman)先生还没写《世界是平的》这本书的时候,他在一次座谈会上发表了与此相关的观点。这时有一位先生走到他面前说:“你讲得很有道理,可是我想我可以帮助你补充其中的不足或你没有覆盖到的东西,你可不可以到我们公司来,我们谈一谈。”  这位先生就是比尔盖茨(Bill Gat
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摘 要:农村留守学生是我国大规模农村劳动力到城市就业后出现的一种特殊社会群体。这一群体教育问题成为当前农村教育的一大难题。那么,如何适用这一形势,负起教育留守学生这一份责任,几年工作有这么几点体会,要有爱心、要有耐心、要有细心、要有恒心。  关键词:留守学生;爱心;耐心  随着打工浪潮一浪高过一浪,留守学生的数量也急剧增大。父母外出打工对留守学生生活影响较为复杂,一方面,由于在外打工,经济较为宽裕