Multiple Intelligences

来源 :希望月报·上半月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:buhuigreen
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  Abstract:According to the brief understanding of Multiple Intelligences Theory, the author states that the eight intelligences should be awaked and utilized in teaching and reality. The teacher’s job is to observe his students, diagnose his students and offer a prescription for their educational problems through exerting all his multiple intelligences skills.
  Key words:Multiple Intelligences; disputable; potentials; utilize; educators
  I. A superficial investigation of multiple intelligences, the theory which is disputable and encounters sharp and thorny criticisms
  It is well known that people are born with a fixed amount of intelligence; intelligence level does not change over a lifetime and intelligence can be measured by short-answer tests. Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory challenged traditional beliefs in the fields of education and cognitive science. He claims that all human beings have multiple intelligences, which can be nurtured and strengthened, or ignored and weakened.
  In 1861, Paul Broca performed an operation on his patient named Leborgne who should understand what was said to him but was unable to speak coherently. Broca found that “intelligence wasn’t a generalized capacity scattered randomly through the cerebral cortex but instead was packaged in separate circuits in precise locations”. Gardner adopted this view and examined the studies of brain-damaged people and gifted children. He declared that the human mind is better considered as a series of relatively separate capacities rather than a single all-purpose machine.
  In Gardner’s mind, “human intellectual competence must entail a set of skills of problem solving; enabling the individual to resolve genuine problems or difficulties that he or she encounters” Some critics may say that M.I. theory is not a brand-new theory, nor does it make a breakthrough in pedagogy, especially its implication in education. The most obvious similarity between Confucius and Howard Gardner lies in the reality that both of them respect human’s natural instinct and make great effort to explore each individual’s potential.
  II Although confronting the criticisms, M.I. theory is still helpful and utilizable in teaching reality.
  Although Gardner has been challenged by his critics, his theory is still valued and cherished by many educators. It suggests a wider outlook than the traditional education concept. It has helped a significant number of educators to ponder their work more deeply and has stimulated them to surmount the unnecessary restrictions in teaching.
  During the language using process, a human being’s organs are generated, which creates a situation quite suitable for the utilization of M.I. theory. For example, if we think of vocabulary study,in this case, we can find several of Gardner’s intelligences, such as visual-spatial intelligence, verbal-linguistic intelligence and body-kinesthetic intelligence. Students might be interested in this teaching method.
  Educators in colleges and universities may raise the question: does M.I. theory cater for college education? From the author’s point of view, it remains doubtful and we need time to test and verify this. Learners in colleges and universities are thirsty for all kinds of knowledge and information. The obligation in college teaching should focus on students’ promotion and enhancement not only in their academic field but also in other areas. At one particular moment, one of their intelligences might be sparked and the subject they are interested in will become their career in their future life. This indicates that educators in colleges and in universities should try their best to spark their students’ curiosity in a more complicated way.
  In spite of various criticisms and uncertainty related with M.I. theory, we can’t ignore its value and utility in teaching practice. We can doubt the theory and even oppose it, however, we must be conscious of hidden potentials in students and in ourselves. Intelligence can be anywhere; therefore, we have more space to explore it.
  [1]Chen Jingpan,1990, Confucius As a TeacherPhilosophy of Confucius with special reference toits educations Implication [M]Foreign Languages Press
  [2]Howard Gardner ,1993 , Frames of Mind: the Theory of Multiple Intelligences [M]
  [3]Howard GardnerMultiple Intelligences [Z]Http:// 4.Howard Gardner on Multiple intelligences[Z]
  [4]How to Awaken Multiple Intelligences in Your life! [Z]
  [5]Howard Gardner, April, 2003, Multiple Intelligences After Twenty Years, [M] American Educational Research Association
  [6]Howard GardnerTranslated by李心瑩Li Xinying, 1990 ,再建多元智慧 [M](Reframed Multiple Intelligences) Beijing: language
  [7]Multiple Intelligences[Z] Http://
  [8]Practice: Engaging the Intelligences [Z]
  [9]The Brain’s Many Mansions[Z]
  [10]Technology and Multiple intelligences[Z]
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