First, the Far East Quartermaster Plant has been in its sixth year since the Japanese capitulation fully surrendered. In the past five years, Japan’s economy has undergone great changes. She has completely lost her economic autonomy and has been placed under the exclusive possession of the United States as its colony. Japan’s monopoly capital, once oppressed and exploited by the great Chinese people and invading the peoples of the Far East, has been exhausted. The power of semi-feudal landlords has also been extremely weakened. However, after some rectification by the new owners, they have been regrouped “in an appropriate” manner, appearing as a comprador, riding on the people and becoming an international imperialist policy of aggression against the Soviet Union and the peoples of the Far East running dog. The policy of international monopoly capital to Japan’s colonialism is precisely to reorganize Japan’s industry into a “factory in the Far East” and to maintain that Japan becomes a military re-supply base. This colonial policy has brought the peaceful national industry in Japan to collapse, the bankruptcy of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the abandonment of agriculture. On the contrary, the military industry has been protected, forming the industry’s extreme deformity.