一、概况 位山灌区(属山东省聊城专区)位处黄河下游左岸,据马颊河、徒骇河、赵牛河流域中部,东南靠黄河,东北伴津浦鉄路,西部南部以南运河为界。 灌区地形平坦,其中分布许多此起彼落的岗地,封闭或半封闭洼地,地面水、地下水出路不畅。河流一般是坡缓流长,河身高浅,泄洪,排涝能力低,排地下水能力更低。灌区的土壤是发育于黄河沉积母质上的浅色草甸土和盐化浅色草甸土。 灌区气候属半干旱,受季风影响明显,年平均降雨量450—650毫米,其中60—70%集中于7、8、9三个月。年平均水面蒸发量为1,200—1,600毫米。春夏
First, the general situation Bit Irrigation District (Shandong Province, Liaocheng area) is located in the lower reaches of the Yellow River on the left bank, according to Majia River, Tuhai River, Zhao Niuhe River Basin, southeast by the Yellow River, northeast with Jin Pu Road, . Irrigation area flat, which distributed many posts one after another, closed or semi-closed depression, surface water, groundwater outlet is not smooth. The river is generally slow slope flow, river height, flood discharge, low drainage capacity, lower drainage capacity of groundwater. Irrigated area is the development of the Yellow River sedimentary parent material on the light-colored meadow soil and salt light meadow soil. The irrigated area has a semi-arid climate and is obviously affected by the monsoon. The average annual rainfall is 450-650 mm, of which 60-70% is concentrated in 7, 8 and 9 months. The average annual surface water evaporation is 1,200-1,600 mm. Spring and summer