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在第一次美学大讨论中,吕荧与朱光潜围绕美本质、美感等美学基本问题展开了针锋相对的论战。细察之,他们关于美本质与美感问题上的看法同异相间:两人美本质观都呈现出极强的主体性特征,且均承认社会因素在“美”的形成过程中的作用。两人的美感理论则差异较大。吕荧主张美感的生成需要经过由感性知觉上升到理性判断的过程,而朱光潜则坚持美感在感性阶段便已然形成。再有,在论及美与美感出现的先后顺序时,两人的看法截然相反,吕荧认为美先于美感,朱光潜则强调美感的先在性地位。两人在区别美感与快感之时又体现出一些近似。鉴于吕荧与朱光潜所争论的问题皆为美学研究中的元问题,因此,对其深入阐释将有助于进一步加深对第一次美学大讨论的正确认识,同时对当下美学的研究也具有一定的启示意义。 In the first aesthetical discussion, Lu Ying and Zhu Guangqian started a tit-for-tat polemic against the basic aesthetic issues of beauty and aesthetics. As far as I can see, their views on the issues of beauty and aesthetics are different from each other: the two concepts of beauty are both extremely subjective and both recognize the role of social factors in the formation of “beauty ” . The aesthetic theory of the two is quite different. Lu Ying advocates that the formation of beauty needs to go through the process of sensory perception up to rational judgment, while Zhu Guang-qian insists that beauty is already formed in the emotional stage. Again, when it comes to the order in which beauty and aesthetics appear, the two views are diametrically opposed. Lu Ying believes that beauty precedes beauty and Zhu Guangqian emphasizes the pre-sexual position of beauty. Two people in the difference between the beauty and pleasure reflect some similarities. In view of the problems arose from the discussion between Lu Ying and Zhu Guangqian, they all are the meta-questions in the study of aesthetics. Therefore, an in-depth explanation will help to deepen the correct understanding of the first great aesthetics debate. Significance of the revelation.