中国的文人画有以下三个主要特征:“以形写神”而注重“神似”;讲求“笔墨”及其相对独立的审美价值;诗、书、画、印四位一体的综合艺术性。 一般以为文人画始于宋元而盛于明清。因为宋元之后文人作画论画蔚然成风,作品也大量涌现;而且元代以前的画“多不用款,款或隐之石隙”(沈颢《画麈》),诗书画印的结合尚不明显。文人画的确只是到了宋元之后才真正形成了诗、书、
Chinese literati paintings have the following three main features: “in order to describe God” and pay attention to “similar to God”; pay attention to the “pen and ink” and its relative independent aesthetic value; and integrate the artistic features of poetry, calligraphy, painting and printing. Generally believed that the literati painting began in the Song and Sheng Sheng and Qing. Because after the Song and Yuan dynasties, the literati paintings became commonplace, the works also appeared in large quantities; moreover, the paintings in the Yuan dynasty did not have obvious combination of poetry, calligraphy, painting and painting . Literati painting is indeed only to the Song and Yuan Dynasty after the real formation of poetry, books,